But the hard facts is that I am a lazy person , I get discourage very easily , and lose track of goals , and therefore hindering all sorts of momentum in my life that can propel me forward.
But all is not lost , I am still alive. When there is life , there is hope. I learned a couple of things these past few days. For example I love my mother , she took care of me. She made me dinner , and bought me medicine. I love her :)
Also , I have figureed out that by not pampering myself , I am actually inhibiting the few chances that I have to concentrate and study. So to wrap up.
This is what I have learned.
1- Love for mother only grows
2- Everyday do something I love , Do something that takes away the stress.
3- Don't pressure myself to do work
I have to still face reality , I know that things like finding a job , working my ass for school , and taking care of my responsibilities are very important.
BUT. I will not compromise my being. I am , who I am. I love to take my time , I love to read , write , day dream , watch movies , and sports ( on occasion hihihi) .
To conclude , I think that one should balance his life. Understand what makes him happy , and understand what needs to be done to sustain this happiness. I live this live to be happy , and dream. I will not stress myself over minuscule things that in the end do not even matter.
I love life.
Until next time.