voc 1

As I wake up this morning , the wind wafts , and the sun dances for me , my mien is that of a man that is sure . Indeed I am sure of myself , sure of my goals. My family would assent that I was not always like this. I aver that I have changed !! ecclesiatic affirmation !
I am no longer a penitent , I am no longer hindered by weights in my chest , this society will not teach me the significance of a sin. I am not imperious to the laws of my brothers , but they are my brothers , and they are humans. For this facts , I shall not shutter , my countenance shall display content .

Getting on track.

It has been a while since I have written anything on this blog.
Do you feel neglected Starwind Project? I hope not , because I will soon be adding new materials in your archives :)

It is my understanding that success is defined by goals settings , and time management to achieve them : So success here I come !!!!

Hey child. Stay wilder then the wind. And blow me in .

Reise Reise.

With everyday passing , I feel that I am getting stronger. My country is now destroyed , and my family is not doing so well ( We are making a lot of money , but emotionally not so good ). But I am still alive , and I am still breathing. If I can breathe , then that means that I can make things better for myself , and the people around me. I have the power to create . If I am God's image , then I should be able to find the power in me to help my loved ones.

although a smoke of despair as risen over my country , I see thing clearly now.
I know what I have to do.

I have been dating this girl for 3 month now. Every time that I see her , I just lose all the words that I have acquired on this earth. She literally leaves me speechless. She is smart, beautiful , sexy, and soooooo funny. She always listen to me , and she even laugh at my jokes ( even if they are not so funny some times haha) . I feel like she is also my best friend. We have such good times together ! Last time we were at the mall , and we laugh sooo much hahaha. We always have fun at spa as well. Last time at spa I forgot to bring sandals , she was not so happy. But we had good food together.

We always sleep peacefully with each other.
We also have fights some times, hahaha ...but Its ok , I love her.

We are completely naked with each other , we don't have to pretend or wear masks , we can be ourselves around each other. I don't know what the future hold for us. Actually there is a lot things that I do not know , but one thing that I am completely sure about , is that she is a special person in my heart , and what we have is also special.

©2009 . | by TNB